{:en}U/VHF Radio{:}{:ko}U/VHF Radios{:}


Our company, Poong Sung & Company and our partner, Telerad successfully supplied U/VHF Radios (Series RE9000-2G, ENM9010-2G) in 2017 to Incheon International Airport Association (IIAC).  Over a hundred radios were installed in a flight control  tower which is managed by IIAC. 

With IIAC satisfaction, additional 20 radios were supplied to tower. 

(2017: Contract Amount: Euro 5.5M)

(2018: Contract Amount: Euro 1.5M)



풍성은 파트너쉽 계약을 맺은 Telerad와 성공적으로 U/VHF Radios (Series RE9000-2G, ENM9010-2G)을 2017년도 인천공항에 납품하였습니다. 100개 이상의 라디오가 인천공항 관제탑에 설치되었습니다.

2018년 20개의 라디오 추가 납품 했습니다.

(2017: Contract Amount: Euro 5.5M)

(2018: Contract Amount: Euro 1.5M)


